Business - Intelligence - Novelism

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BIN Holding

At BIN Holding, we're not just another tech company. We are your launchpad to the future. Your nurturing ground for groundbreaking ideas. Your personal team of experts, committed to pushing boundaries and driving the revolution in high-tech industries.


HS Analysis - Digital Microscopy and Robotics for Your Reseach Endeavors

Welcome to HS Analysis, your partner in digital pathology and microscopy imaging. Leveraging the power of artificial neural networks and deep learning, we offer advanced tissue analysis software to automate your image quantification. Our goal is to boost the precision and efficiency of your research endeavors. By mitigating the risk of human error in manual evaluations, our software supplies you with dependable output data at an impressive processing speed. This not only accelerates your research but also empowers you to meet the escalating demands for efficiency and results more effortlessly. We take pride in collaborating closely you, our valued customers, to engineer software solutions tailored to your specific needs. HS Analysis has established a robust presence in the pharmaceutical industry, and delivers tested and scalable solutions, that stand the test of time. Together, let's pioneer the future of digital pathology, driving your research to new heights and realizing your ambitious goals.

HS Analysis

Our goal is to boost the precision and efficiency of your research endeavors. By mitigating the risk of human error in manual evaluations, our software supplies you with dependable output data at an impressive processing speed. This not only accelerates your research but also empowers you to meet the escalating demands for efficiency and results more effortlessly. We take pride in collaborating closely you, our valued customers, to engineer software solutions tailored to your specific needs. HS Analysis has established a robust presence in the pharmaceutical industry, and delivers tested and scalable solutions, that stand the test of time. Together, let's pioneer the future of digital pathology, driving your research to new heights and realizing your ambitious goals.


BI Agnostix - Patient Centered Dermatology

At BI Agnostix, our expert team is reshaping your understanding of dermatology through the integration of cutting-edge technologies. We're the experts you can trust for the development of mobile applications, leveraging cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the way you analyze your skin health. Our platform is uniquely designed with you in mind, merging advanced image processing techniques with event-based cameras, physics-based area estimation and scientific computation. The combination of event-based cameras and heat map estimation using innovative hardware opens a new frontier of possibilities for diagnostics - enhancing your ability to interpret dermatological images more efficiently and accurately. Through our data-driven approach, we extract invaluable insights from these images, leading to more precise diagnoses and personalized treatment plans tailored specifically for you. BI Agnostix is not just about dermatology; it's about transforming the field with AI, pioneering new applications, and scientific excellence for a healthier future.

BI Agnostix

Our platform is uniquely designed with you in mind, merging advanced image processing techniques with event-based cameras, physics-based area estimation and scientific computation. The combination of event-based cameras and heat map estimation using innovative hardware opens a new frontier of possibilities for diagnostics - enhancing your ability to interpret dermatological images more efficiently and accurately. Through our data-driven approach, we extract invaluable insights from these images, leading to more precise diagnoses and personalized treatment plans tailored specifically for you. BI Agnostix is not just about dermatology; it's about transforming the field with AI, pioneering new applications, and scientific excellence for a healthier future.


SL Optimum - Your partner for AR and VR Solutions

Imagine a world where Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) aren't just figments of imagination, but powerful tools that transform the very way we work, live and innovate. Welcome to that world. Welcome to our world. Our company is dedicated to revolutionizing the world of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) by developing cutting-edge software tailored to the specific needs of medicine, industry, and robotics. Our innovative solutions empower professionals across these fields to transform their workflows, enhance precision, and improve overall efficiency. Join us as we pave the way for a more immersive and interconnected future, bridging the gap between technology and real-world applications.

SL Optimum

Our company is dedicated to revolutionizing the world of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) by developing cutting-edge software tailored to the specific needs of medicine, industry, and robotics. Our innovative solutions empower professionals across these fields to transform their workflows, enhance precision, and improve overall efficiency. Join us as we pave the way for a more immersive and interconnected future, bridging the gap between technology and real-world applications.


SP Uniq - Sensor Processing Units and Sensor Intelligence for Your Monitoring Capabilities

Precision manufacturing is fundamental to every aspect of modern life - without it there are no cars, aircraft or ships. No mobile phones or computers. No houses or hospitals, no factories or power plants. At SP Uniq, we aim to integrate industrial-scale high-tech sensors and intelligent systems to your manufacturing facilities. We leverage cutting-edge technologies to develop smart, connected, and responsive sensor systems that enhance your operational efficiency, safety, and productivity. Our solutions harmoniously integrate with your existing infrastructure, delivering real-time monitoring, data-driven insights, and predictive maintenance capabilities at your fingertips. At SP Uniq, our commitment is to guide you through the next wave of industrial integration with our advanced, tailored solutions. Partner with us to bring your monitoring capabilities to the next level.

SP Uniq

Our solutions harmoniously integrate with your existing infrastructure, delivering real-time monitoring, data-driven insights, and predictive maintenance capabilities at your fingertips. At SP Uniq, our commitment is to guide you through the next wave of industrial integration with our advanced, tailored solutions. Partner with us to bring your monitoring capabilities to the next level.


BIN Academy - Strengthening our Bonds with Sciences

We are passionate about strengthening our bonds with Sciences. We especially focus on the transformative power of Technology, AI and Computer Science - a belief that is reflected in every facet of our operations. We have cultivated strong relationships with academic institutions and universities, as we recognize the value of cutting-edge research. These collaborations not only provide us with invaluable knowledge but also enable us to contribute to the scientific community in a meaningful way.Our active participation in scientific events and symposia worldwide underlines our commitment to staying at the forefront of academic research. These platforms offer us the opportunity to showcase our work, engage with thought leaders in the field, and stay abreast of emerging trends and technologies.Sciences shape who we are. They fuel our mission to make a lasting impact in the world of data science.

BIN Academy

We have cultivated strong relationships with academic institutions and universities, as we recognize the value of cutting-edge research. These collaborations not only provide us with invaluable knowledge but also enable us to contribute to the scientific community in a meaningful way.Our active participation in scientific events and symposia worldwide underlines our commitment to staying at the forefront of academic research. These platforms offer us the opportunity to showcase our work, engage with thought leaders in the field, and stay abreast of emerging trends and technologies.Sciences shape who we are. They fuel our mission to make a lasting impact in the world of data science.


BIN Partner - Empowering Comprehensive Business Solution

Imagine a world where your business thrives, fueled by local insight, and powered by global expertise. Welcome to BIN Partner. We're not just consultants; we're your trusted allies. Our deep understanding of regional networks, combined with our technical and financial prowess, enables us to craft strategies that propel your business forward. We amplify your reach, identifying customers and partnerships that align with your vision. From organizing impactful conferences to recommending valuable resources and services, we provide comprehensive support tailored for your success. At BIN Partner, we don’t just support your business—we elevate it.

BIN Partner

Our deep understanding of regional networks, combined with our technical and financial prowess, enables us to craft strategies that propel your business forward. We amplify your reach, identifying customers and partnerships that align with your vision. From organizing impactful conferences to recommending valuable resources and services, we provide comprehensive support tailored for your success. At BIN Partner, we don’t just support your business—we elevate it.



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27. Januar 2020
3 Gründer erzählen von ihren Erfahrungen die eine Unternehmensgründung mit sich bringt und berichten aus unterschiedlichen Phasen der Gründung
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28. Februar 2020 von 4:00 to 6:00 Uhr
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Hauptstraße 242, Heidelberg

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23.-25. Oktober 2020
Scion : Vertrauen in KI
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Scion Logo
30. November 2019
Scion: Vertrauen in KI
Technologiefabrik – Haid-und-Neu-Straße 7, Karlsruhe

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26. September 2019
Vertrauen in die KI schaffen und dem Mittelstand Profitabilität sichern.
Wirtschfaftsforum Ettlingen

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W3 Fair
19. Semptember 2019
Vortrag: Vertrauen in KI - Mythos oder Realität?
Dornbirn (Vorarlberg)

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Zukunftstüftler Logo
18. September 2019
Zukunftstüftler – die Konferenz für die Köpfe der digitalen Transformation
in der Technologiefabrik Karlsruhe

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BioLAGO Logo
7. Juli 2019
Sieben Karlsruher Kreative haben sieben Minuten Zeit, sich und ihr Unternehmen zu präsentieren.

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27. Juni 2019 BioLAGO „Drugs, Diagnostics, Devices & Data – Matchmaking with Ireland”
Vortragsthema: „Künstliche Intelligenz: Deep Learning in der Medizin, Mythos oder Realität?“

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20. Mai 2019
2nd European Pathology Congress in Berlin
Vortrag zum Thema Opportunities and risks of AI integration in daily routine in pathology today

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16. Mai 2020
Etengo-Symposium 2019
Workshop zur Anwendung von Deep Learning in Bildanalyse
WIRSOL Rhein-Neckar-Arena in Hoffenheim

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9. April 2019, 10-17 Uhr
Deutschen Biotechnologietage (DBT) Symposium
Vortrag zum Thema Bio-Daten und Deep Learning
In Würzburg

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26. – 28. Oktober 2018
2: Scion : Vertrauen in KI
Technologiefabrik – Haid-und-Neu-Straße 7, Karlsruhe

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House of Pharma
11. September 2018
Auf der Spitze des Hype Cycles: Wie Deep Learning die Entwicklung neuer Wirkstoffe und Therapien mit signifikanter Zeit- und Kostenersparnis ermöglichen wird.
Frankfurt am Main

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5. Juli 2018, 14-18.00 Uhr
Erster Tag der Künstlichen Intelligenz
IHK Karlsruhe

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23 + 24 Juni 2018
1: Scion : Vertrauen in KI
Technologiefabrik – Haid-und-Neu-Straße 7, Karlsruhe

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Freitag, 15. Juni 2018
Maschinelles Lernen: Produktionsanwendungen in der Robotik
ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe

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14. Juni 2018

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12. Juni 2018 16-20:00 Uhr
Qualitätssicherung mit VR und KI
Michelin Reifenwerke Karlsruhe

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System-Integration AI Vision – Gesture Recognition

Kassenlose Einkaufsfilialen – ein Schritt in die Zukunft? Amazon schreitet mit seiner „Just Walk Out“ Technologie Richtung autonomen Einzelhandel. Am 4. März dieses Jahres eröffnet Amazon seinen ersten kassenlosen Supermarkt in Europa. Das Konzept ist für Händler und Verbraucher angenehm unkompliziert. Beim Betreten des Ladens authentifiziert sich der Kunde via App und wird mittels framebasierter […]

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Eines unserer Projekte – Das HSA Kit

Eines unserer Projekte – Das HSAKit | Haid-Und-Neu-Str. 7 Karlsruhe 76131 Die Entwicklung im Bereich der Artificial Intelligence schreitet immer weiter fort. So werden computergestützte Assistenzsysteme in fast allen Branchen immer häufiger eingesetzt, so auch in der Medizin. In der Studie „AI in Europe – Ready for Take-Off“ der europäischen Initiative „European Information Technology Observatory“ […]

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Scion 2019 – Vertrauen in KI in der Medizin

Scion 2019 – Vertrauen in KI in der Medizin | 30.11.19 um 09:00 Uhr in der Haid-Und-Neu-Str. 7 Karlsruhe 76131 Autonome AI Systeme in der medizinischen Forschung und Diagnostik zu etablieren, ist die tägliche Arbeit der Mitarbeiter der HS Analysis GmbH. Dieses Wissen möchten die Experten an die jungen Wissenschaftler und Studenten vermitteln und das […]

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Rückblick: Scion Herbst 2018 „Vertrauen in KI“

Nach all dem Tagesgeschäft, das uns in der Folge unserer Jahreskonferenz Scion schnell wieder ereilte, nehmen wir einen Rückblick auf Scion Herbst 2018 vor. Ein ganz großer Dank geht an unsere Partner und insbesondere an die Speaker, Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer, ohne die Scion 2018 in dieser Größenordnung und mit einem solch positiven Widerhall überhaupt nicht […]

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